This evening, I cracked open the White Ale from Sugar Creek Brewing Company out of Charlotte, NC.
The beer poured a light, flat gold color and was very hazy. The beer had a ton of head—so much so that it took me several minutes to pour the whole bottle into the glass. It was well worth the wait though…
On the nose, I detected European yeast—either German or Belgian—with a note of banana and clove. After thinking a bit, I am going to go with German, because the beer reminded me of a hefeweizen. Aside from that prominent yeasty smell, I detected orange or fresh citrus aromas with coriander.
The taste was very unique. As the aromas had set up, the beer had that prominent German yeast taste. As soon as that flavor hit the palette though, light and tasty citrus notes soon followed. It was a very interesting and tasty compliment. The beer was crisp and light in spite of its haze. It had a light to medium mouthfeel and was very drinkable. I really enjoyed this beer—a very interesting take on the German Hefeweizen or Belgian Witbier. Cheers to Sugar Creek on a very innovative and tasty brew! #BeerReview #Witbier