This evening, I cracked open a bottle of Hoppyum IPA from Foothills Brewing in Winston-Salem, NC.
The beer poured a pale to medium amber color with a slight haze. The beer was translucent due to the haze and had a creamy off-white head which thickened when swirled within the snifter glass.
On the nose, I detected a slight malty sweetness initially. This was unique and welcome for an IPA as the aroma of most IPAs is just hops. Needless to say, I was intrigued. As expected, I also detected a fresh hoppy aroma, which surfaced toward the end.
The taste was very well balanced with a medium mouthfeel. As the aroma had set up, I detected a slight malty taste. I would best describe this as bread-like or pretzel-like, sans the salt. This was very subtle, but still there and the initial flavor that I detected in the taste. Hoppyum then delivered that traditional hoppy kick of an IPA. This hoppy taste was perfect–not weak, not overly strong, and a perfect compliment to the initial malty flavors. The beer finished off with a pleasant dryness with a slight bite, post taste. Cheers to Foothills Brewing and great IPA! #BeerReview #IPA