Name: Bale Breaker Style: DIPA / Imperial IPA Brewery: The Old Mill Brewpub, Lexington, SC 9.6% Alc/Vol Brewpreneur Rating: 3 / 5
So I took the day off, and the family went to Riverbanks Zoo down in Columbia, South Carolina. On the way home, we stopped at the Old Mill Brewpub in Lexington. I had never been there before but I had heard good things.
First off, the atmosphere was amazing as the pub sat in what had been a large cotton mill back in the 1800s. Add to that good food and good beer, and you have the makings of a great spot.
This Bale Breaker DIPA was pretty tasty. The beer was golden honey-colored with moderate haze and little to no head. It smelled of floral and citrus hops with a slight spiciness and the faintest hint of breadiness. As expected, the taste was very hop forward, slightly spicy and bitter, though not overly dry. The beer was medium-bodied with a medium mouthfeel. Very little malt was tasted in this DIPA, as the hops were prominent throughout the taste. Speaking of which, that would be my only critique for this brew. I would have liked to have tasted a bit more balance in this beer as far as maltiness goes. To me, the hops seemed to completely overpower the rest of the beer. Some may like their double/Imperial IPAs this way, though. It is all personal preference after all.All in all, not a bad beer by any means. Cheers! #BeerReview #DIPA